Archives + Algorithms Schedule
Submitting work
All work for each week is due by when you go to bed on Friday so that I have it early on Saturday morning. You are of course welcome to post your responses and reflections (if there is more than one thing due) any time during the week. Reading responses and weekly reflections must be posted (usually as a blog post) to your website. You’ll make separate pages for the other assignments. Keep in mind that our website aren’t just an alternative to Learn, but are an integral component of the course.
Week 1 (Jan 18–22): Introductions
There are a bunch of small set-up things to do for this week, but not much reading.
Set up your website (= archive) and about page
- All the following steps, along with bit more explanation, are covered in a quick screencast if you prefer to just see them.
- Go to and create an account (everything is free; you can opt out of all emails). Click the
Get Started
button in the middle of the page, then the Sign up
link to enter your email address and set a password.
- Once logged in, Click the
Create New Site
- You’ll be asked what kind of site you want to create—pick
- CAREFUL: On the next page, click the
Choose a Template
button. DO NOT click the other one!
- Pick a design that is a good starting point for you (simple is best)—we’ll customize it later. When you click on one of the images, it gives you a preview of the site layout and a button to Edit the site. If it looks good enough, click the Edit button. Or close the preview and pick a new layout.
- After about 10 seconds, you’ll end up in the website editor. There’s a lot of options and stuff that we don’t need, but it will quickly become more familiar and easier to use.
- Near the upper left corner of the page, you can change the page you are editing—select the
page on your site.
- Edit the bio text to introduce yourself to the class—basic first-day info like major, hobbies, life goals, favorite foods — and WHY you ended up here and what you hope to get out of the class.
- Click
in the upper right corner.
- Name your site whatever you like.
- Click the
Publish Now
button to make sure your site is visible.
- You don’t need to edit the mobile site at all, so just close the dialog box.
- Copy the URL that it shows you (it should look like and post it to our class Google Doc of blog sites.
Introducing Archives
Just two short readings for this week as a jumping off point for your first short reading response.
Gabriella Giannchi, “A brief history of the archive” (Chapter 1 from Archive Everything), 1–15. Note the full article goes to p. 25, so don’t read the whole thing! This article can get into the weeds at times, so stay focused on the big picture in terms of a general history of the archive and how it’s changed over time.
Trevor Owens, What Do you Mean by Archive? Genres of Usage for Digital Preservers. Read the comments, too! They are (perhaps unusually so) quite a useful addition to the article itself.
Post your first reading response
- Log into and select your site to edit it.
- Click the pen icon on the left side of the screen.
- Click
Create a Post
- Add a Catchy title.
- Using the Giannchi and Owens readings for this week (see above), write a standard reading response on what definition(s) of archive (from Owens) you think Giannchi is primarily interested in. How do the various definitions offered by Owens complicate Giannchi’s description? There is NO RIGHT ANSWER.
- NOTE: This is just a warm-up blog post to make sure everything is working—so no pressure and no grading! But I am looking forward to your thoughts, and this is the kind of assignment you’ll be doing much of the semester–trying to combine two different readings for the week.
- When you’re done, be sure to click
in the upper right corner.
- Close the dialog box that pops up.
- You’re done! Your site at this point will have all kinds of images and stuff that you don’t need or want. We’ll clean up our sites over the next few weeks, but if you want to start tidying now, go for it!
Week 2 (Jan 25–29): Archival Practice and Data Futures
This week we read an article that describes the relationship between historians and archivists—particularly how historians have regarded archival work uncritically and as providing an objective way of accessing the past. The other article describes how so many ways of sorting, organizing, and storing elements of culture (the exact work that archivists have done) have become automated processes.
Check out the Week 2 overview video, which gives an introduction to each article and some ideas for how to connect them in your weekly reflection this week.
Terry Cook, ‘The Archive(s) Is a Foreign Country: Historians, Archivists, and the Changing Archival Landscape’, The American Archivist 33 (2011): 600–632.
Reading Response
- In response to the Cook article: Especially in terms of the history of the archive, what in the article you find most interesting and/or confusing?
- Ted Striphas, ‘Algorithmic Culture’, European Journal of Cultural Studies, 18.4–5 (2015): 395–412.
Weekly Reflection
This weekly reflection is space for you to put the two articles together: What can algorithmic culture learn from the history of the archive? How can our thinking about information, crowd, and algorithm be informed by how historians have used archives? Can you think of a keyword that, compared to past usage, represents a cultural shift of the 21st century?
We’ll return to this question at the end of the class (after we’ve read a lot more), and it will be useful to document/archive our preliminary thinking here. As always, THERE IS NO RIGHT ANSWER. Just show me you’re reading and trying to think about the future of data/algorithms via the history of the archive.
Week 3 (Feb 1–5): Power
This week we’re looking at the power of archives, which includes a whole range of meanings as we got a sample of last time. A quote at the end of the first article sums up the gist of point for the week to keep in mind while reading. Archival power means: Power over the documentary record, and by extension over the collective memory of marginalized members of society – whether women, non-whites, gays and lesbians, children, the under-classes, prisoners, and the non-literate – and indeed over their representation and integration into the metanarratives of history.
Keep in mind, too, the parallels between societal data and archives and the power they yield. Of course power, whether through physical records, digital facsimiles, or data, is mediated through interfaces, whether a digital archive website or an algorithm that computes your SAT or GRE score.
For an overview of some key themes for the week, check out the Week 3 Overview Video.
- Joan M. Schwartz and Terry Cook, “Archives, Records and Power: The Making of Modern Memory,” 1–19. This article is a little repetitive at times, but in a good way as it makes it easy to understand the main points. It is shorter than it looks in terms of page count because many pages are almost entirely footnotes (which you can peruse if you’re interested).
- Margaret Hedstrom, “Archives, Memory, and Interfaces with the Past,” 21–43. This article overlaps a little with the other other, which doesn’t mention interfaces at all, and makes for a very productive complement. There is a section on memory pp. 27–32, that you can skim; it’s more productive for us to keep our focus on interfaces.
Weekly Reflection
- Just one writing assignment—a weekly reflection—due this week: Drawing equally from the two readings for this week, pick a few questions to answer. I think they are all equally useful to think about, but you don’t have enough space to get into ALL of them in your response. As always: your responses must draw extensively from the readings!
- How would you describe the relationship between archives, power, and memory?
- How do you suppose archives have shaped your identity (p.16)? Note the discussion of identity isn’t so much about how YOU see yourself, but how OTHERS see you (via the history of the archive).
- What impacts/influences do interfaces have on how archives create/maintain power?
- In what ways is Wikipedia an archive? How is it not? (Careful—this is for those looking for a challenge!)
- How might interfaces you use everyday be more influential (on you and/or society) than you might expect?
Week 4 (Feb 8–12): Silence
This week is an extension/elaboration on last week’s POWER theme. The Policing and Mass Incarceration Archive blog post is just for fun, as it perfectly embodies the kind of action/corrective that Carter is calling for in 2006. As I explain in the video, our main readings are an unusual but I hope provocative pair. A little bit less of an academic reflection for this week, as described below.
Archival Silence
- Normally we can only speculate about archival silences. In this ‘special’ assignment (a lot like a weekly reflection but POSTED AS A SEPARATE PAGE on your website), you will consider a silence about which you have intimate knowledge. Look through the photos on your phone (or wherever you keep photos). Drawing from the provocations in the readings, analyze the silences in your own archive. Make it VERY CLEAR you are using the course readings—from both this and previous weeks—to inform your analysis. More details (and advice) are available on the Archival Silence Assignment Guide.
Week 5 (Feb 15–19): Classification
Building on the overlapping themes of power and silences, this week we look at how the act of classification (that’s been mentioned in almost every article so far) can both remove and in fact CREATE archival silences. We’re back to a regular weekly reflection this week.
- Week 5 Overview video
- Marisa Elena Duarte and Miranda Belarde-Lewis, “Imagining: Creating Spaces for Indigenous Ontologies,” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 53, no. 5–6 (July 4, 2015): 677–702. Focus on everything up through p.688; after that, skim the case studies and examples to think about how the theory discussed at the beginning of the article can be and is being put into practice in the real world.
- Jennifer Guiliano and Carolyn Heitman, “Difficult Heritage and the Complexities of Indigenous Data,” Journal of Cultural Analytics (August 13, 2019).
Relevant but optional
- Melissa Adler and Lindsey M. Harper, “Race and Ethnicity in Classification Systems: Teaching Knowledge Organization from a Social Justice Perspective”, Library Trends 67.1 (2018): 52–73.
Weekly Reflection
- One question that can help you to think about the overlaps and differences between the two readings this week for your weekly reflection: How are the challenges/opportunities related to indigenous data (described in Guiliano and Heitman) the same and different from the general concerns about ontologies and cataloging/classifying (described in Duarte and Belarde-Lewis)? If you prefer, you can take my suggestion and just write about your own reactions to these articles and the issues they are covering.
Week 6 (Feb 22–26): Interface
As you are all acutely aware at this point: classification, access, and dissemination go hand in hand in hand (is that a thing?). Mediating all of these, as we’ve already seen in our week on archival power, are interfaces. The article we read that focused on interfaces (Hesdtrom) discussed them in generic, theoretical terms. I emphasized that we should think about interfaces on multiple levels. This week, we’re focusing on digital interfaces to archives and critiquing them according to the readings we’ve done in the course so far that suggest different ways in which archives shape identity, heritage, and history. How do digital interfaces to archives wield power?
Sample Digital Archive/History Projects
For your assignment this week, you can critique any of these. You’re also welcome to find something else or use something you already know about. If going off-list, make sure whatever site you choose is some kind of interface to an archive and allows you to address the questions in the assignment guide.
Civil War Washington, Slave Voyages + a striking visualization, Colored Conventions, Lynching America, Native Land, First Days Project, American Panorama, Georgetown Slavery Archive, The Early Caribbean Digital Archive, Black Women’s Suffrage, Design Reviewed, Australian Prints + Printmaking, South Asian American Digital Archive, DTA
Retro sites (an always incomplete list)
Valley of the Shadow, Virtual Jamestown, American Social Movements, Blue Ridge Parkway
This week we’re reading about new kinds of archives and archival approaches that in many respects are fundamental breaks from traditional practices. Quick terminology clarification for this week’s title (and terms you’ll see repeatedly in the articles):
- Decolonial archives refer to archives that aspire to avoid (if new) or escape (if existing) the legacy of the colonial archive—namely having everything predominantly cataloged and classified according to a colonial power that uses the archive (sometimes purposefully but usually inadvertently) to subjugate other voices. After all our readings so far, motivations for these kinds of archives hardly need a long explanation here.
- Post-custodial archives refer to archives that try to scan, photograph, or record cultural heritage objects/materials/events to preserve (and possible increase access to) them but never own or control the objects themselves. Even though we haven’t talked about the physicality of archives much, archives have been predicated on ownership and physical possession—and therefore control—of cultural artifacts and heritage. The idea that even a formal, institutional archive (like a University) could archive stuff without owning it has been almost a paradigm shift in archival practice. It may sound strange that this is such a revelation, but so much of archival training and practice is about the physical stewardship (storage, preservation, retrieval) of ‘stuff’ that to think archives would exist entirely digitally and only in surrogate form is a major shift in thinking about the very nature of archives themselves.
- Community archives are a bit hard to generalize about because there are so many flavors. On the whole, they are usually small-ish digital archival collections that are largely de-centralized in that they don’t have a formal institutional home and rely on the energy and enthusiasm of community members to grow and sustain a collection of materials important to that community. It doesn’t take very long to realize how useful these kinds of projects can be for realizing the ideals of the decolonial archive. Nor does it take very long to realize how a lack of institutional support can be dangerous for long-term preservation. These are just two of the many pros and cons of community archives that you’l come across in the readings.
Our readings this week are a break from the more theory-driven articles that we’ve had so far, focusing instead on various case studies of archival projects, and what is working and what isn’t. You also can get a sense of, given the LONG history of archives that we’ve been reading about, how relatively brand new these changes are–virtually all within the last 10 years and the bulk of them in the last 5. So you’re reading about contemporary experiences trying to change archival practices and grappling with the issues that such changes entail.
Two questions to keep in mind this week, and that you’ll write about in your reflection: are how new kinds of archives and archival practices in the form of community archives solving old archival problems (of the sort we’ve been reading about)? And what are the new problems (when an archive exists outside of a typical archival institution)?
- NO VIDEO this week! I’ve written out above what I think is most important to keep in mind for the readings, and I’m guessing y’all could use a break from the weekly video. There will be one last overview/wrap-up video next week before break.
- Andrew Flinn, Mary Stevens, and Elizabeth Shepherd, “Whose Memories, Whose Archives? Independent Community Archives, Autonomy and the Mainstream”, Archival Science, 9 (2009):71–86.
- An older article that gives a good sense of the history of community archives and why they emerged, and the problems with simply knowing about them (one of the downsides of not being a mainstream archive). Also an interesting discussion about the relationship between identity and archives. There are many skimmable details related to specific projects (at least for our purposes), but they do provide a sense of historical change with respect to community archives compared to other case studies for this week.
- Michelle Caswell, “Seeing Yourself in History: Community Archives and the Fight Against Symbolic Annihilation,” The Public Historian 36.4 (2014): 26–37.
- A case study of sorts, but with some useful theory and reflection about how community archives intersect with many of the issues we’ve been reading about.
- Jimmy Zavala et al., “‘A Process Where We’re All at the Table’: Community Archives Challenging Dominant Modes of Archival Practice”, Archives and Manuscripts 45, no. 3 (2017): 202–15.
- Sort of like a roundtable of case studies; on the whole they highlight many practical issues with founding, energizing, and sustaining community archives.
Relevant (but optional)
- Siobhan Senier, “Decolonizing the Archive: Digitizing Native Literature with Students and Tribal Communities.” Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities, 1.3 (2014).
- María Cotera, “Nuestra Autohistoria: Toward a Chicana Digital Praxis,” American Quarterly 70.3 (2018): 483–504.
- J. J. Ghaddar and Michelle Caswell, “‘To Go beyond’: Towards a Decolonial Archival Praxis”, Archival Science, 19.2 (2019), 71–85. But it really goes just to the top of 81.
Weekly Reflection
- For your weekly reflection this week, outline what YOU see as the biggest advantages and disadvantages of community archives? Does the long history of the archive(s) in general (mostly not addressed in the articles for this week) give us any insight into how to or how not to cultivate community archives? Do they solve more problems than they create?
Week 8 (Mar 8–12): Reflecting on Archives
We’ve learned a fair amount about the history of archives, archivists, relationships between historians and archives/archivists, archival power, silences, interfaces, and so on. But what if the point has not been to learn about archives per se, but about how to think critically about knowledge infrastructures—how we learn anything about the world, whether through favorite podcasts, network news, Facebook, online news outlets, Twitter, whatever.
In lieu of another awkward video, I’ve written up my own midterm reflection and hopes on what the course has been able to do so far. I hope it will be useful for you in your assignment this week, a double-length reflection on our half-semester so far.
I contend, for the purposes of debate, that everything we read about in terms of archives applies to basically every source of information. The same kinds of biases creep in, the same kinds of silences, the same limitations and exploratory possibilities of interfaces (and algorithms, not to get ahead of ourselves). What do you think?
1/2 Semester Reflection
- For your weekly reflection (but extended ~1400 words), outline what from the lectures, readings, and responses thus far will stick with you OUTSIDE THE CONTEXT OF ARCHIVES. To what extent to you agree with my claim that the issues we’ve been reading about make sense outside of archives? How is it mostly true? How is it misguided?
- ALSO: Please conclude with AT LEAST TWO QUESTIONS about the first half of the course. Are there ideas or concepts that weren’t adequately explained? Is there something you’re still confused about? Is there something you want to know more about? These questions will be the basis for our welcome back lecture AFTER BREAK.
Week 9: Mar 15–19: NOTHING: Enjoy Spring Break!!!
IMPORTANT Second Half Announcements in these boxes
New wrap-up assignment/kind-of-final due Week 15
Your main project for the second half of the course is to write an op-ed for your favorite national newspaper or magazine about what consumers should understand about data and algorithms in modern society via the the history of the archive.
I’ve written up an archives to algorithms op-ed assignment guide, but here’s a brief summary:
This op-ed should be about 2000 words (about 2.5x a weekly reflection) and draw widely from readings from both halves of the course. It’s meant to reflect your understanding of course material (including my comments on your work) in a holistic and synthetic way. It is due the end of Week 15 (April 30), and there is nothing else to do that week.
Assuming you keep up with the readings and basic work requirements (as has been the case thus far), this assignment mostly (there is one small assignment due during finals week) determines whether your final grade is a B+, A-, or A. Missing or minimal effort assignments will lower your grade beyond that. I have no doubt that everyone is capable of getting an A—it’s just a matter of following through at this point.
I’ll talk more about this as we get further along, but I wanted you to have the end goal in mind.
Routine Tweak
Our second-half readings (mostly) are much less academic, more accessible, and therefore don’t really need a lecture introduction. I think this was less true for the archive articles that were mostly geared toward an audience of archivists.
Given the different kinds of readings, it will be useful to refocus our weekly reflections just a bit to make them more useful for the op-ed assignment (see above). They will be about the same length and serve the same general purpose as the previous reflections, and will still be due on Friday. These reflections should be very useful for you as you prepare your Archives to Algorithms essay.
Each week (there are 5 weeks of readings left), I’d like you to do the following:
- For each article, provide the three (don’t fret about the exact count) biggest takeaways that you think the article was trying to provide. These should be relatively concise statements (two sentences max), but don’t make them so abbreviated and cryptic that they won’t make sense to you six weeks from now.
- In at least ~600 words (just to provide some kind of minimum requirement; but quality is more important than quantity), describe you found as the most significant overlap and divergence between the articles for the week.
- Ask 2-3 INFORMED questions about the topic or articles, either in aggregate or about specific articles, that came to mind while reading (including how they relate to other readings or archive stuff we read about).
- All these will be posted as usual as blog posts on your site.
I will use your responses and questions as the basis for shorter (~15 min) informal videos to highlight anything I think is especially important, and answer your questions as if you mentioned them in class (and to highlight good ideas from your posts). As has been the case, there won’t be direct response required to the videos, but you’ll do MUCH better on your op-ed if you’re keeping up with them.
Doing more of a REview than a PREview video will give me a chance to respond to questions, confusions, and comments you might have about what’s in the readings. I really enjoyed your questions from your last assignment and I want to keep them coming! I’m hoping this will allow us to have something more resembling a slow-motion dialog.
Some of you indicated more creative assignments would be fun. Going forward, your assignments can take ANY FORM you’d like. If you want to make a video instead of writing things out, do it! If you want to sketch out visually how ideas relate (a mind map kinda thing), go for it! As long as you are doing the CRITICAL INTELLECTUAL WORK, you can choose whatever form you’d like. You still need to post it to your blog or link to it. If you’re not sure if I’m going to understand what you’re trying to do, provide a brief explanatory paragraph.
I think these tweaks will make the weekly work more interesting for all of us and more directly align with the learning objectives for the course. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with any questions or concerns!
Week 10 (Mar 22–27): Algorithmic Texts
- If you missed or skipped the above message boxes—read them!
- First half questions and things to keep in mind moving from archives to algorithms
- Lauren Klein, “The Image of Absence: Archival Silence, Data Visualization, and James Hemings”, American Literature 85.4 (2013): 661–88.
- Lara Putnam, “The Transnational and the Text-Searchable: Digitized Sources and the Shadows They Cast”, The American Historical Review 121.2 (2016): 377–402.
Weekly Post
Copied and pasted from above:
- For each article, provide the three (don’t fret about the exact count) biggest takeaways that you think the article was trying to provide. These should be relatively concise statements (two sentences max), but don’t make them so abbreviated and cryptic that they won’t make sense to you six weeks from now.
- In at least ~600 words (just to provide some kind of minimum requirement; but quality is more important than quantity), describe what you found as the most significant overlap and divergence between the articles for the week.
- Ask 2-3 INFORMED questions about the topic or articles, either in aggregate or about specific articles, that came to mind while reading (including how they relate to other readings or archive stuff we read about).
- All these will be posted as usual as blog posts on your site before the weekend (or very early into it).
Week 11 (Mar 29–Apr 2): Everyday algorithms
- REview from last week
- Virgina Eubanks, “The digital poorhouse”, Harper’s Magazine (Jan 2018).
- Michele Willson, “Algorithms (and the) Everyday.” Information, Communication & Society 20.1 (2017): 137–50.
- John Danaher, ‘The Threat of Algocracy: Reality, Resistance and Accommodation’, Philosophy & Technology, 29.3 (2016): 245–68.
Week 12 (Apr 5–9): Carceral Archives and Algorithms
- Color film was built for white people. Here’s what it did to dark skin..
- Tonia Sutherland, “The Carceral Archive: Documentary Records, Narrative Construction, and Predictive Risk Assessment.” Journal of Cultural Analytics, June 4, 2019.
- Angwin, Larson, Mattu, and Kircher, Machine Bias. Look especially at the images, captions, and statistics provided.
Week 13 (Apr 12–16): Dataveillance
- Video highlights of past readings, responses, and questions
- Jose van Dijck, “Datafication, Dataism and Dataveillance: Big Data between Scientific Paradigm and Ideology’, Surveillance & Society 12.2 (2014): 197–208.
- Holger Pötzsch, “Archives and Identity in the Context of Social Media and Algorithmic Analytics: Towards an Understanding of iArchive and Predictive Retention”, New Media & Society 20.9 (2018), 3304–22.
- Frank Pasquale, Digital star chamber, Aeon.
Week 14 (Apr 19–23): Representation
- Manissa M. Maharawal and Erin McElroy, “The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project: Counter Mapping and Oral History toward Bay Area Housing Justice”, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108.2 (2018): 380–89.
- Todd Presner, “The Ethics of the Algorithm: Close and Distant Listening to the Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive”, in Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture, ed. by Claudio Fogu (Harvard University Press, 2016), 167–202.
Weekly Post
To echo the weekly email: Because the standard reflection we’ve been doing isn’t quite as applicable to our last set of readings, I have a few more specific questions I’d like you to consider for this week (and these should make your posts more helpful for your op-eds as well). Your posts will be less about the specific articles for this week and more about the general questions (in context of what we’ve been reading the last few weeks).
Is the kind of activism work described by Maharawal and McElroy a useful kind of work to increase awareness of algorithms? The article doesn’t mention algorithms at all (I don’t think), but it’s not hard to see how the social issues they are concerned with could be (and in fact are in other places) driven by algorithmic discoveries via big data analysis.
Does history at large scales written from databases, metadata, and visual representations become less valuable than more “conventional” history? Which concerns and solutions that Presner discusses might be applicable to the kinds of algorithms (and uses of them) that we’ve been reading about recently?
Week 15: April 26–30
Nothing new this week: Your “From Archives to Algorithms” op-ed was originally due the end of the week, but there’s no reason to hurry. OP-EDS ARE NOW DUE THE LAST DAY OF CLASSES, FRIDAY MAY 7.
Week 16: May 3–7
- Your op-eds are DUE ON FRIDAY (feel free to post before then). Op-eds should be posted as a SEPARATE PAGE on your blog, like the other special assignments we’ve had. Thank you!
- Think about your final course reflections due the end of finals week!
All coursework due by FRIDAY May 14!