Create a website with GitHub Pages and Jekyll
A Condensed and slightly modified version of Amanda Visconti’s excellent Programming Historian tutorial
Getting started with GitHub Pages
- Read and complete UP TO step 2 of this short Repository tutorial.
- Check box to create README
- Click “Create new file” button; name it
. - Copy what you see at the sample repository.
- Save your changes with the Commit button
- Create and save the main.css file, too.
- Go to “Settings tab, and scroll down to the “GitHub Pages” section
- Select master branch. Find the link for your website at the top of that section. It should look like
- If you get 404 error, just wait a few minutes.
- You’ve created a website! :tada:
While we wait
- GitHub Desktop demo
Install a Plain Text Editor
- Use atom
Install GitHub Desktop
- Download and install GitHub Desktop.
- Enter your GitHub username and password when prompted.
- Check box for “install command line tools”.
- Don’t worry about connecting to a repository right now. Click “done” when you can.
- Create a folder called
in yourDocuments
folder. - Click “+” in upper left corner.
- Click “clone” in the upper right of the dialog box.
- You should see your “Hello-world” repository; select it.
- Click the button “Clone hello-world repository”.
- Clone your repository to
folder you created above. - Right-click on the repository name and “View in Finder [Explorer]”.
- You can now see your files you “cloned” from your GitHub [=remote] repository.
- Open your file in Atom; make a few changes.
- In GitHub Desktop, type a short commit message and click “Commit to Master”
- In upper right corner, click “Sync” button.
- Now you should be able to see your changes online (same URL as above).
Install Dependencies
- Pick up our tutorial here (“The Command Line”).
- Mac users: Continue on with the tutorial (and ignore the rest of this section); stop at “Setting up Jekyll”.
- Windows users: Stop reading at “Installing Dependencies” and follow these directions:
- Open the application “Windows Terminal”, but right-click to open it and choose “Run as Administrator”.
- Install a program called “Chocolately” by copying and pasting this onto your command line (= PowerShell window):
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "(iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))) >$null 2>&1" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
- Close your Terminal window.
- Open the application “Windows PowerShell”, but right-click to open it and choose “Run as Administrator”.
- Copy into PowerShell (and press enter):
choco install ruby -y
- Close and reopen Powershell as Administrator.
gem install bundler
gem install jekyll
- If you get an error at this point, follow these instructions.
Set up Jekyll and your website
- Use your command line to navigate to your
directory jekyll new JekyllDemo
- Pick up our tutorial here (Running a website locally).
- Stop at “Tweaking the Settings”.
Explore the website files
- On the command line:
- Stop your webserver (Cmd or Ctl C).
bundle show minima
- Open that folder in Finder/Explorer.
- Open another Finder/Explorer window of your
folder. - Move the directories from the
folder to yourph-workshop
folder. - Explore the _includes and _layouts folders; see the Jekyll Docs for reference.
- Edit the