June 16-20, 2014
9-6 M-F
Pearl Hall, 217
Fred Gibbs (fwgibbs@unm.edu)
We are in the midst of a major paradigm shift in human consciousness and society caused by our ubiquitous connectedness via the internet and smartphones. These globalizing forces have telescoped space and time to an unprecedented degree, while paradoxically heightening the importance of local places.
The course explores the technologies, tools, and workflows that can help collect, connect, and present online interpretations of the spaces around us. Throughout the week, we’ll discuss the theoretical and practical challenges of deep mapping (producing rich, interactive maps with multiple layers of information). Woven into our discussions will be numerous technical tutorials that will allow us to tell map-based stories about Albuquerque’s fascinating past.
This course combines cartography, geography, GIS, history, sociology, ethnography, computer science, and graphic design. While we cover some of the basics of each of these, the course eschews developing deep expertise in any of these in favor of exploring their intersections with each other, and formulating critical questions that span these normally disconnected disciplines. By the end, you should be able to think more critically about maps, place, and our online experiences with them.
We’ll move from creating simple maps with Google Maps/Earth to creating your own custom, interactive online maps with various open source tools like QGIS, Open Street Map, and D3 that leverage the power of open data from local and national repositories to provide new perspectives on the built environment. We’ll also use various mobile apps for data collection, online exhibit software, (physical and digital) historical archives at the Center for Southwest Research. Along the way we’ll cover the various data formats (KML, XML, GeoJSON, TopoJSON) used by different tools and how to move between them, allowing you to craft the most efficient workflow for your mapping purposes.
Course readings that aren’t freely availabe online (and even some that are) can be accessed via the course Zotero Library. You’ll need to be invited to join the group since we use it to distribute course readings. If you are not familiar with Zotero, here are some instructions.
Appreciate the theoretical possibilities and practical limitations of deep digital mapping.
Understand the principles of new media, linked open data, and interface design as applies to the geospatial humanities.
Combine qualitative and quantitative analytical skills
Begin to experiment with new tools, workflows, methods, and techniques for mapping the urban environment, including QGIS, Omeka + Neatline, Google Maps/Earth, basic web mapping concepts, basic web programming, Javascript, SVG, D3.
Develop awareness and conversational fluency in geographic data formats, technologies, and tools so that you can produce maps and troubleshoot new challenges on your own.
Must be able to have fun while totally frustrated, even when this stupid little thing takes way longer than it should.
GRADUATE STUDENTS: In addition to all other activities on the syllabus, you’ll also take turns leading discussion of reading topics.
EVERYONE: The key to success with the technical components of this course (both learning-wise and grade-wise) is to make mistakes and fail as frequently as possible. If you’re not, then you’re simply not trying to push beyond your own limitations. Once you fail at something, we’ll get you unstuck and moving forward again. Repeating this often will make the course more rewarding and you’ll get a high grade for your effort.
What do we like? What might we borrow? What should we avoid?
Innovative Maps as reviewed by CityLab
Making Maps: DIY Cartography
Totally random, usually interesting
Google Map Examples
Food in America
Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project
Digital Harlem
Regnum Francorum Online
US Atlas of Religion
Walking Through Time
Invasion of America
History of San Francisco Streets (with an interesting explanation)
Reimagining Whalley
Philadelphia Bike Crashes
Mapping Addiction
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
HyperCities | More on this
Stanford Spatial History Project
Story Maps
Omeka + Neatline
City of ABQ Maps
Historic Albuquerque
Historic Old Town
Historic Photo Archive
New Mexico Historic Markers
Albuquerque Murals Project
The Plazas of New Mexico
Skeptical? Read this and this. But you don’t get a choice, anyway.
Chris Wilson, J. B. Jackson Professor of Cultural Landscape Studies
We’ll work together to create a richly layered interactive map that displays, contextualizes, and historicizes some features of ABQ. The particular topic (if there is a general theme) can be just about anything as long as it has a spatial and historical component. The goal is to create a new kind of spatial interface to understanding the space around us. Ideally, our individual contributions will present different views or facets of ABQ that are displayed spatially and thoroughly contextualized.
Ann Massmann, Southwest Studies Librarian, Center for Southwest Research
Terry Ann Gugliotta, University Archivst
Download (for iPhone/iPad) UNM Pocket Archivist
Tim Castillo, Director of ARTSlab
Chronicling America Newspaper Archive
New Mexico Digital Collections
Rocky Mountain Online Archive
Albuquerque Historical Postcard Collection
Digital Sanborn Maps
If you’re not familiar with GIS systems, or if unfamiliar terms crop up in the tutorials, check out this gentle introduction. When you want to play, download and install QGIS. If you get stuck or have questions, consult the QGIS Training Manual, the QGIS wiki, and an array of tutorials.
We’ll cover the following:
Natural Earth Data
Hack for Change
ABQ Open Data
UNM GIS Data Clearinghouse
Chronicling America
Time Magazine Corpus
Internet Archive
Digital Public Library of America
Eric Bernard, Director, Landscape Architecture
Overview of Georeferencing Historic Maps
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection and their list of Historic Maps
David Rumsey Map Collection
Library of Congress
USGS Historical Topo Maps
BIG Map Blog
Old Maps Online
Broer Map Library
We’ll cover how to create your own interactive maps online. Why? Because you can add much more custom interactivity than generic tools and services allow. This is an exercise in design imagination.
There are some reasons one might not want to use Google Maps for your web mapping needs:
No matter what library you use for putting a map on your webpage, you can get map tiles from several sources, including Stamen Maps.
MapBox helps you link your own data and provides an online style editor for customizing the look of your map. For more flexibility, use a desktop editor called TileMill.
Walk through the tutorial for uploading your data, facilitating custom interactivity. Essentially, this tool allows you to create your own tiles that you can publish on Mapbox.com (a free account gives you limited space, of course), and you can load these onto any web page.
Sections on JAVASCRIPT and SVG from Interactive Data Visualization
Parts 5,6,7,8,9 of Dashing D3.js tutorial part 5 starts here
Section on D3 from Interactive Data Visualization
Check out the array of Web Mapping Tutorials.
If you want to move between shapefiles and SVG, try Kartograph
For mobile devices, this tutorial shows you how to reduce file size of shapefiles for increased speed.